
Levi van Veluw, Landscapes

Levi van Veluw´s photo series are self-portraits, drawn and photographed by himself: a one-man-process.


Levi van Veluw's foto serie er selvportræter, installeret og fotograferet af ham selv.

animals and birds enter the matrix

Earrings for Spontaneous Seeding

A seed here. A seed there. You never know when an opportunity for planting might present itself. Be prepared with these tiny glass bottles filled with vegetable and flower seeds. Great for secretively planting in friends' yards, medians, and those boring beds full of petunias outside your doctor's office. Includes refill seeds.


Man ved aldrig hvornår man får en chance til at plante et frø. Vær parat og hav altid frø ved hånden, når du går med disse øreringe med små flasker fyldt med grøntsags- og blomsterfrø. Rart at have når man hemmeligt vil smide et frø i venners haver, eller i kedelige kummer med Petunia udenfor lægens konsultation.



Winding Snake

Winding Snake by Baumraum

The northamerican Redwood - one of the biggest trees on earth with a height of around 100 meter and a possible age of 2000 years. These woods are the scenery for the design „Winding Snake“. The treehouse consists of a stairs, which twists around the Sequoia-trunk and ends in a closed cabin with two floors.


VindelSlange af det tyske Arkitektfirma Baumraum, der har specialiseret sig i Trætophuse. Slangen er tænkt til det nordamerikanske træ Redwood - et af de største træer på jorden med en højde på omkring 100 m. og en alder på op til 2000 år

Hello winter

Work by Banksy
via Wooster Collective:


Forest Spiral

Built in Darmstadt, Germany, this structure is called Waldspirale or “Forest Spiral.” It was designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser, a celebrated Austrian architect and painter.

Via Unusual-achitecture

Dette ejendomskompleks i Darmstadt, Tyskland kaldes Waldspirale eller "skov spiral". Det er tegnet af den berømt Østrigske arkitekt og kunstner Friedenreich Hundertwasser.

Nature fights back

via Sweet-juniper:


Bag Cabin

On July 24th 2009, a temporary Summer Hotel appeared at ARCAM concrete Island at the centre Amsterdam...

In Amsterdam, there appears to be less and less space and opportunity for informal and creative use of the city. The Gecekondu Summerhouse Hotel aims to show the potential of seemingly structured Dutch areas and therefore takes inspiration from Istanbul; where over one third of all housing is build in illegal urban setup. These areas often contain an incredible urban richness. Gecekundu, the Turkish name for shanty building, literally means ‘built over night’. The Hotel will live up to its temporary character: Its building stones are the archetypical nomadic bags, the so-called china bags (or ‘turkentassen’), filled with sand from the beach.


Den Hollandske arkitektgruppe DUS finder at det offentlige byrum giver mindre og mindre plads og muligheder for uformel og kreativ brug af byen. Deres hotel-projekt Gecekondu Summerhouse Hotel skal vise byens skjulte potentiale. Projektet henter inspiration fra Istanbul, hvor over en tredjedel af al bebygelse er illegal. DUS finder at disse områder indeholder en stor urban rigdom. Gecekundu er det tyrkiske navn for en simpel bygning der er bygget over natten. DUS's Gecekundu Hotel lever helt op til sit navn og bliver bygget af de såkaldte "kina-poser" fyldt med sand fra stranden.


Camper Kart

Camper Kart, by artist Kevin Cyr is an experiment in autonomy. It investigates habitats and housing; recycling and ecology; exploration and mobility.


Camper Gokart, af kunstneren Kevin Cyr er en udforskning af uafhængighed. Det er et projekt der forholder sig til vaner og boliger; genbrug og økologi; udforskning og mobilitet


Conflict Chair

Made by Israeli designer Aviad Gil, the Conflict Chair is crafted from olive wood (just like the branch that universally symbolizes peace) and its design conveys a variety of messages – not the least being that for two sides to be able to sit down, there must always be a compromise.

via Weburbanist:

"Konflikt Stol" er lavet af den Iraelske designer Aviad Gill. Og dens design kan afkodes på mange måder; ikke mindst som en kommentar til at to parter altid må finde sammen om et kompromis for at blive i stand til at sidde ned sammen.

The Seed

The Seed from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.


The Life of the Others is Somehow Easier

Pravdoliub Ivanov
The Life of the Others is Somehow Easier,
2005, installation,
5 dog houses hanged on the trees in a public park,
Regensburg, Germany

Pravdoliub Ivanov Lives and works in
Sofia, Bulgaria

"Andres liv er nogen gange nemmere", En installation af Pravdoliub Ivanov.
5 hundehuse ophængt i træer i en offentlig park. Pravdoliub Ivanov bor og arbejder i Sofia, Bulgaria


im still sorry

Imstillsorry, Odense/Denmark 2008 by Morten leck Plesner



Tent Project

The tent project.. july09
by Ultragrøn