
Fra den største til den mindste

Tallest to smallest: Japanese Maple, Flowering Crabapple, Persian Parrotia, European Hornbeam, and English Oak

Installation af Martin Creed fotograferet på CCS Bard Hessel Museum
Foto af Chris Kendall

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6. opslag

Femte opslag.

Fjerde opslag.
Tredje opslag
Anden store opslag
Første store opslag.

Bartolomeo Buon, porta della carta, 1438-42, Venedig, Dogenpalast.



Crowd (2007)lys- og lydskulptur af Kristian Horton

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Filippo Calendario, Dogenpalast, Venedig.
Der brennende Dornbusch, Nicolas Froment

En gotisk katedral, en himmelstræbende arkade/halvtag... opadstræbende. GothShelter.
Har indkøbt den første model samling skovkadedralen, dforklaring senere....

Product DescriptionRECON3D Vol.2 Medieval Art in CAR and DXF formats delivers over 350 photo-quality 3D objects for users of Carrara Studio V2 or later and Carrara Basic software. RECON3D is the state-of-the-art 3D Content Collection of architectural and ornamental objects carefully recreated from the greatest heritage sites and the best historic data available. Volume 2 covers Gothic and Romanesque styles in a great selection of various components. 3D Content is provided on CDs, completed with an electronic catalog in html format.
Typical ornaments specific for art styles are also included. Meshes were reconstructed from the most important World Heritage Assets.

træstamme bænk

designed by jurgen bey, 1999 for droog design.

the treetrunk bench is one that makes the user rethink how they look at trees

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Pour las ramas

Den spanske designer Nacho Carbonel vil gerne vise hvordan ting bliver lavet. I dette tilfælde hvordan hun bliver inspireret af indpakning.

Hun oplever selv sit "pubbehylster" som et rum hvor man kan føler sig beskytte; Ligesom i et foster.

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blødt beton

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A Little Piece of heaven

Midt i et rustikt bondelandskab, af den slags der forbindes med stor lansdskabelig skønhed, har den Canadiske billedkunstner Kelly Mark fået udført sit værk A Little Piece of Heaven. Kelly Mark har instrureret Kuratoren for the Three Museum om at plante og vedligeholde et lille stykke friseret græsplæne, som i størrelse og udseende minder om de græsplæner man ser i en typisk parcelhushave.


Bubbletecture H.

Shuhei Endo Architects står bag udformningen Bubbletecture H. der er et uddannelsecenter for miljøspørgsmål i en skov syd for Osaka. Bygningen er et eksempel på en organisk og meget miljøbevidst arkitektur. Dele af overfladen er dækket af mos som skifter karakter over tid i samspil med det omgivende landskab.
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Træ foran billboard

Billedkunstneren Helmut Smits Tree in front of billboard
Materialer: træ og træpæle

Læs mere om den hollandske billedkunstner Helmut Smits


Mens Darwin sover

I anledningen af 200 året for Darwin's fødsel præsenterer Lux en række kortfilm. En af dem er Paul Bush's While Darwin Sleeps 2004. Den animerer 3000 udrydede insektarter og vækker dem til live igen.

se filmen:




Scary Tree

You’ll be able to blend right in with the other trees of the forest in this deluxe Scary Tree costume. The long, lean dark brown bodysuit includes a see-through mesh face mask and arm slots with attached green leaves. Have a great time at any party in this Scary Tree costume.

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Og hvordan kan disse overføres til skovens insekter layout, info og forsiden...

Vi har Pogemon og Gormiti på hjernen herhjemme for tiden.....
The Tallest Wooden House in The World 44 metres
Dominating the skyline of Arkhangelsk, a city in Russia’s far north-west, it is believed to be the world’s tallest wooden house, soaring 13 floors to reach 144ft – about half the size of the tower of Big Ben.The house that Nikolai Sutyagin built is also crumbling, incomplete and under threat of demolition from city authorities determined to end the former convict’s eccentric 15-year project.When Sutyagin began work on his dacha in 1992, he claims he was only intending to build a two-storey house – larger than those of his neighbours to reflect his position as the city’s richest man, but certainly not a contender for the Guinness Book of Records.However, convinced by a trip to see wooden houses in Japan and Norway, he concluded that he had not used roof space efficiently enough and decided to keep building.”First I added three floors but then the house looked ungainly, like a mushroom,” he said. “So I added another and it still didn’t look right so I kept going. What you see today is a happy accident. “There were other motives too. Having grown up in a Soviet communal flat, Sutyagin said he felt lonely living by himself.Not only would his house make a perfect love nest for his molls it could also accommodate the 18 executives at his construction company.What is left of his fantasy is slowly decaying around him. Even so, it remains a remarkable architectural feat – especially given the fact that Sutyagin built much of it himself – that defies easy description. A whimsical jumble of planking, from a distance it bears a resemblance to a Japanese pagoda, but draw closer and it seems more like a mix between a Brobdignagian tree house and the lair of a wicked fairytale character.



Pokemon V Antichrist
Skoven græder ;-((((


The Pumpkin Swing

130 kg. tung og tre meter høj kobbergynge med indlagt musikbox og natlampe. kan leveres over hele kloden:

Gigant-bille vs Skorpion

heldigt at skorpioner kan svømme


Telt - indbegrebet af friluftsliv og hygge. Men i Roman Signers version bliver der lagt en lidt anden vinkel. Roman Signer arbejder med aktions-skulpturer, hvor han tilfører skulpturen et nyt element: tid.

I hans arbejder kombinerer han som regel aktion, fotografi og levende billeder.
se mere : http://www.romansigner.ch





Ryan Robinson:


Billedkunstneren David Parker har udviklet en række flugtstrategier for folk der drømmer sig væk fra Chicago's velfriserede forstæder.

se flere flugtstrategier:


Joyful trees

I Diller Scofido og Renfro's installation Joyful Trees (Arbores Laetae) bevæger man sig ikke kun rundt mellem træerne. Træerne bevæger sig også rundt om en. Richard Scofido siger selv: Træer i digte er smukke objekter, men det er også træer som slår mod ruden i blæsevejr og i mange eventyr er de ganske ondartede og farlige.


Er begyndt så småt at lede efter egnede 3d modeller af insekter, til megabeton billen.
Model of robot mosquito, killer of vampire - real mosquito.

Guldbasse (Cetonia aurata)

Julia Stoess laver modeller af insekter i størrelsesforholdet 20:1. Alle modeller er lavet så de gengiver insekterne korrekt. Og hvor selv hårene er med.
Denne model er lavet over en Guldbasse som findes over hele Europa. Den kommer frem fra April til September. Guldbassen der er 1,5 til 2 cm har mange farver der inkluderer grøn, gylden og flerfarvet. Prøv at kigge efter den i blomster.
se flere modeller:


Ents are a fictional race of humanoid trees from J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy world of Middle-earth. They appear to have been inspired by the talking trees of many of the world's folklores (see tree (mythology) for more information). At the time The Lord of the Rings takes place, there are no young ents (known as entings) because the entwives (female ents) were lost.

Treebeard, the oldest living Ent, is described as
large Man-like, almost Troll-like, figure, at least fourteen foot high, very sturdy, with a tall head, and hardly any neck. Whether it was clad in stuff like green and grey bark, or whether that was its hide, was difficult to say. At any rate the arms, at a short distance from the trunk, were not wrinkled, but covered with a brown smooth skin. The large feet had seven toes each. The lower part of the long face was covered with a sweeping grey beard, bushy, almost twiggy at the roots, thin and mossy at the ends. But at the moment the hobbits noted little but the eyes. These deep eyes were now surveying them, slow and solemn, but very penetrating.

Ents are an old race that appeared in Middle-earth when the Elves did. They were apparently created by Eru Ilúvatar at the behest of Yavanna: when she learned of Aulë's children, the Dwarves, she foresaw that they would fell trees, and desired creatures to serve as Shepherds of the Trees to protect the forests from Dwarves and other perils. Although the Ents were sentient beings from the time of their awakening, they did not know how to speak until the Elves taught them. Treebeard said that the Elves "cured us of dumbness", that it was a great gift that could not be forgotten. ("They always wished to talk to everything, the old Elves did.") In the Third Age of Middle-earth, the forest of Fangorn was the only place known still to be inhabited by Ents, although the Ent-like Huorns may have survived elsewhere, as in the Old Forest.
Ents exhibit wide variation in personal traits (height, heft, colouring, even the number of digits), as they came to resemble somewhat the specific types of trees that they shepherded. Quickbeam, for example, guarded Rowan trees and bore some resemblance to rowans: tall and slender, smooth-skinned, with ruddy lips and grey-green hair. Ents share some weaknesses of trees as well, and can be burned and chopped.

Ents are tall and very strong, capable of tearing apart rock and stone. Tolkien describes them as tossing great slabs of stone about, and ripping down the walls of Isengard "like bread-crust". Treebeard boasted of their strength to Merry and Pippin; he said that Ents were much more powerful than Trolls, which Morgoth made in the First Age in mockery of Ents.
The Sindarin word for Ent is Onod (plural Enyd). Sindarin Onodrim refers to the Ents as a race.

People of the Forest
Gormiti “The Invincible Lords of Nature” (Gli Invincibili Signori della Natura) is a toy property based primarily on 2 inch tall non-articulated minifigures with a trading card game play aspect. The toys were created in Italy in 2005 by Grani & Partners/Gruppo Preziosi (Giochi Preziosi).

Forest s1: Tasarau Lord of Forest, Mimeticus the Fast, Wise Destroyer, Florus the Poisoner, Lethal Whip, Branchtearer the Furious, Hemlock

Forest s2: Barbataus Lord of Forest, Ancient Sentry, Cannontrunk, Tormentor the Torturer, Spores the Terrible, Sferst the Devourer, Patient Motionless

Forest s3: Great Tree Lord of Forest, Bushbeater the Rage, Swamp the Cruel, Ancient Moss, Magic Trunk the Sorceror, Branchclaw

Nordamerikansk kæmpemastodont

I naturrum Skovsnogen findes der et område med omkring 40 år gamle Nobilis. Et skovbillede der leder tankerne hen mod Nobilis som urskov. I oprindelseslandet ved Kystbjergene i Washington og Oregon står Nobilis som 80 meter høje og 600 år gamle mastodonter. Nobilis anvendes i adventskranse til jul, og træer fældes normalt herhjemme når de er 30 år gamle.


Bærbar Personlig Biosfære (BPB)

BPB er designet af kunstneren Vaugh Bell. Tanken med BPB er at man kan have den på hovedet som en hjelm når man går rundt i byen. Når man har iført sig BPB ser man byen bag en horisont af grønne vækster. Og man får mulighed for at indsnuse skoven i stedet for byens dieselos. Selv byens støj er nedtonet.

Læs mere om BPB og Vaughn Bell på http://www.vaughnbell.net/



kæmpe bille robot

Mr. Hitoshi Takahashi is a 60-years old Jananese and is running a small factory of his own. He utilized his skill to built up this giant robot, Kabutomu RX-03, only by himself.
He says he is not intending to coquer the world, but to fight against the evil. His wife is plannnig to use it to bring a trash can.


Thoreau's hytte i Naturrum Skovsnogen

Monstrum laver egen version af Thoreau's hytte i Naturrum Skovsnogen.
Læs mere om Monstrum og hytten


TAKASHI KOBAYASHI, der oprindelig var indkøber indenfor tekstil, laver nu treehouses i Japan, hvor man ikke har tradition for at bygge huse i træerne. Ovenstående treehouse er lavet til en tv-reklame for Nescafé

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Thoreau's hytte eksisterer ikke mere og på den oprindelige placering i skoven med udsigt over søen Walden er den oprindelige byggetomt markeret af en række granitpæle. Til gengæld er der rejst en kopi af den oprindelige hytte klods op af en parkeringsplads i bekvem afstand for turister.

Thoreau begyndte at planlægge sin lille hytte i marts måned for over 150 år siden. Skelettet kom op i maj måned. Og han var parat til at flytte ind den 4. juli. Hytten var indrettet med en seng, et bord , et smalt skrivebord med en lampe, og tre stole --- "one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society."


De første skitser fra Monstrum på snog og hytte.
mere; http://skovsnogsaa.blogspot.com/


A pine cone provided the formal idea for this design. The concept foresees that the pine cone-shaped treehouse is penetrated by a large coniferous tree and is borne by it without additional supports. Depending on the height and size of the tree, the treehouse may be fitted with a second, mid-level terrace. Access is via a spiral staircase which ends in a floor hatch on the underside of the treehouse. The façade is clad in cedar shingles and fitted with metal-framed windows and doors. Inside, there are two levels with sleeping quarters, a small toilet and the living room with a cooking area.

Forest moon of endor, the empire strikes back

Endor (also known as the Forest Moon of Endor and the Sanctuary Moon) was a small forested moon orbiting the gas giant planet of Endor. An enchanted world, Endor was notable for being the native home of the Ewoks, and being the location of the Battle of Endor, which would result in the downfall of the Empire and the first death of the Emperor Palpatine. Due to its proximity to the inhospitable Unknown Regions, Endor was a relatively quiet planetoid both prior to and after the battle.
Endor was also known for the vast amount of sentient species it supported, from baseline to exotic. This was largely due to the extremely large amount of shipwrecks Endor experienced; it has been compared to a "desert island" in space.
About Studio Dré Wapenaar
"Studio Dré Wapenaar works at the interface of architecture, design and sculpture. Sculpture is the base. Working with sculptures, presented in a three-dimensional context, is dealing with people turning around the work and being confronted with it. In working with tents and pavilions this movement is enlarged towards people turning and twisting around each other as well. It can be seen as a result of the quest to find out how groups of people and individuals relate. Tents, with the universal language they speak, are an excellent means to understand at least something of the chemistry between people.
Dré WapenaarRotterdamDecember 2008



WALKING HOUSE is a modular dwelling system that enables persons to live a peaceful nomadic life, moving slowly through the landscape or cityscape with minimal impact on the environment. It collects energy from its surroundings using solar cells and small windmills. There is a system for collecting rain water and a system for solar heated hot water. A small greenhouse unit can be added to the basic living module, to provide a substantial part of the food needed by the Inhabitants. A composting toilet system allows sewage produced by the inhabitants to be disposed of. A small wood burning stove could be added to provide CO2 neutral heating. WALKING HOUSE forms various sizes of communities or WALKING VILLAGES when more units are added together. WALKING HOUSE is not dependant on existing infrastructure like roads, but moves on all sorts of terrain.
The Headless Horseman Pursuing Ichabod Crane.

"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is a short story by Washington Irving contained in his collection The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., written while he was living in Birmingham, England, and first published in 1820.

A pleasing land of drowsy head it was,
Of dreams that wave before the half-shut eye;
And of gay castles in the clouds that pass,
Forever flushing round a summer sky.
Kris McElman: Wednesday November 16, 2005, Sleepy Hollow Cemetery - Concord, Massachusetts-Today was the perfect day for a cemetery walk. It was an overcast, windy fall day with just a smidge of rain... just the way I like it!
