On July 24th 2009, a temporary Summer Hotel appeared at ARCAM concrete Island at the centre Amsterdam...
In Amsterdam, there appears to be less and less space and opportunity for informal and creative use of the city. The Gecekondu Summerhouse Hotel aims to show the potential of seemingly structured Dutch areas and therefore takes inspiration from Istanbul; where over one third of all housing is build in illegal urban setup. These areas often contain an incredible urban richness. Gecekundu, the Turkish name for shanty building, literally means ‘built over night’. The Hotel will live up to its temporary character: Its building stones are the archetypical nomadic bags, the so-called china bags (or ‘turkentassen’), filled with sand from the beach.
http://dusarchitects.com/gecekondu/Den Hollandske arkitektgruppe DUS finder at det offentlige byrum giver mindre og mindre plads og muligheder for uformel og kreativ brug af byen. Deres hotel-projekt Gecekondu Summerhouse Hotel skal vise byens skjulte potentiale. Projektet henter inspiration fra Istanbul, hvor over en tredjedel af al bebygelse er illegal. DUS finder at disse områder indeholder en stor urban rigdom. Gecekundu er det tyrkiske navn for en simpel bygning der er bygget over natten. DUS's Gecekundu Hotel lever helt op til sit navn og bliver bygget af de såkaldte "kina-poser" fyldt med sand fra stranden.